Through countless hours of reading David's work (books, articles etc.) and trying to understand his strategic reason, I had truly believed I knew it all. I had previously taken his Mastery program and learned various life skills such as budgeting, examination techniques and sound thinking techniques. Walking into the L.E.I.P program, I truly believed this would be a situation where I would apply my current knowledge and further upon that in a few ways. I thought this would be an excellent way to improve upon skills I lacked, such as confidence and communication.
I wasn't expecting to take away as much as I did. I wasn't expecting to gain more confidence and even deeper understanding. For too long, I allowed a fear of failure to hold me back. Thankfully, through a change in perspective, I had flipped fear into empowerment and a world of opportunity.
Everything changes with this program. Your perspective on the world, your self-image, your relationships, your life path and it's all for the better. It seems terrifying in a sense, but when you have the tools necessary to succeed and you know how to get there, that's power.
Leadership in business is no different than leading your life. You can't have one without the other. David works one-on-one, which allows for true betterment. Finding the true issues at hand with David has allowed for true healing, observation, evaluation, revaluation and so much more. His unique way of teaching truly sticks with you and that's what you need when learning how to refine that skill.
I cannot thank him enough for all he's done. David has changed my life for the better in so many ways. I definitely recommend this program.

For too long, I allowed a fear of failure to hold me back. Thankfully, through a change in perspective, I had flipped fear into empowerment and a world of opportunity. Everything changes with this program. David has changed my life for the better in so many ways. I definitely recommend this program. (Click the title for the full story.)