
A Critical Analysis of Forbes’ Leadership Article

Recently, a student forwarded an article about leadership and development. The request was to evaluate the article and share my thoughts because he felt that the author got a few things wrong. Indeed, the Forbes article "Unlocking Hidden Potential In Next-Gen Leaders: Beyond Traditional Leadership Development" brings to light several crucial aspects of contemporary leadership, but it also leaves plenty of room for deeper exploration, at least...

Integrating Adam’s Equity Theory and Self-Determination Theory in Organizational Contexts

Organizations strive to motivate their employees effectively, leveraging various motivational theories to enhance performance and satisfaction. Adam's Equity Theory and Self-Determination Theory (SDT) are two prominent theories that organizations should consider. While SDT emphasizes intrinsic motivation and the importance of fulfilling psychological needs, Adam's Equity Theory focuses on fairness and perceived equity in the workplace. This...

Self-Help Books and Pep-Rally Leadership

Imagine being relatively assertive and being handed a self-help book about assertiveness. Or imagine having a big heart and going to a seminar on empathy. How effective or valuable are these programs or books really going to be for you? Sure, they might make you feel good by validating how awesome you are if you have these qualities, but will anything significant change in your life? Probably not. Self-improvement literature, seminars, and...

5 Secrets of Effective Leaders

Effective leaders are not born; they are developed. Effective leaders are not "naturals;" they practice. The path to leadership mastery involves continuous learning, self-reflection, mindfulness, strategic forecasting, and mentorship of others. In this article, we'll explore the five secrets of effective leaders. Learning Effective leaders are lifelong learners. They are constantly seeking knowledge, whether it is through development programs,...

Beware Terrible Leadership Advice

Leadership is a crucial aspect of any organization or community. Effective leadership involves guiding, directing, and motivating others to achieve a common goal. Learning how to do these effectively often comes from those providing leadership advice. However, not all leadership advice is created equal. Some advice, known as pseudo-leadership advice, can be detrimental to individuals and organizations. This type of advice is not based on sound...

The Power of Transformational

There are many different styles and theorems of leadership and countless frameworks for its development. Some are better than others. Of course, the leadership novice must be aware that some leadership styles are pushed without concern for either validity or scientific foundation (Robertson, 2022). However, if validity and effectiveness are important, and if transforming lives and organizations is the goal, then there is one style of leadership...

Leaders: Don’t Neglect Your Sleep

Not long ago, I had a student struggling to pay attention and focus. I asked about their sleep habits. The student responded by stating that "one must be willing to sacrifice sleep in order to be successful." So, I inquired about the source of this misguided belief, and the student informed me that it had been shared in a leadership group on LinkedIn. Let me say that leadership advice that encourages sacrificing sleep is highly misguided. The...

The Scarcity of True Leaderologists

The leadership industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, with organizations of all sizes and sectors seeking to improve their leadership performance and achieve their goals. Despite this growing demand for leadership expertise, leaderologists - professionals who specialize in the study and practice of leadership - are relatively rare in the industry. In this article, we'll explore why leaderologists are so rare and why...

The Leadership Development Advantage

Leadership development has become a crucial aspect of the modern workforce, but it's a topic that is often overlooked. According to a study by McShane and Von Glinow (2013), only 30% of U.S. employees are highly engaged, 1/2 are somewhat or not engaged, and 1/5 have low engagement or are actively disengaged. This highlights the importance of effective leadership in the workplace.However, a study by Sinar et al. (2015) found that 85% of...

The Power of Mentorship

How a Trusted Advisor Can Guide Your Personal and Professional Development A mentorship is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor who guides and supports the development of their mentee. This can include providing guidance on career development, offering advice on personal or professional challenges, and serving as a role model. Mentors may be found in various settings, including...