
OptiHealth Insights

Unlocking Your Wellness Potential

OptiHealth Insights combines evidence-based research with personalized coaching, offering tailored strategies for holistic well-being.

Welcome to OptiHealth Insights, where a holistic approach to well-being encompasses every aspect of your health journey. My commitment goes beyond traditional wellness coaching – I’m here to provide comprehensive support and guidance in three key areas that touch the core of your health and quality of life. Each service is designed to empower you with the knowledge, resources, and personalized assistance you need to navigate the complexities of your health journey. From health and wellness coaching tailored to your unique goals to the in-depth research and support for chronic and rare conditions and the groundbreaking Symptom Research and Diagnostic Consultation (SRDC) service that collaborates seamlessly with physicians, my goal is to be your partner in achieving optimal health and well-being. Discover how each of these sections contributes to a holistic and transformative approach to health rooted in evidence-based practices and compassionate care.


“I knew David had great experience and knowledge in business and leadership and that everything he did was backed by research and science from multiple sources.  And then, I discovered that he also had expertise in the area of health and wellness.  I asked David what his secret to losing and keeping weight off was, and he agreed to meet with me.  After asking me some questions about my health and my goals, he shared a plan on how to lose weight in a healthy manner.  I followed his guidance, and literally, the weight dropped off on a daily basis – and it came off of my most challenging area – my gut.  Within 60 days, I lost 27 pounds and went from a 42 waist to a 38 waist, and best of all, I felt great and had more energy than ever!  And then I met with my doctor, and all of my bloodwork was perfect.  And finally, this has been something that I have been able to continue to do and maintain for over a year.  I would highly recommend that you take the time to meet with David.”

Wendell Funk, President of the Wichita Independent Business Association

“I am an allopathically trained medical doctor and neuroscientist, so I thought I knew nutrition because it was my job to restore people to health. Then, I had to reconsider. Medical education spends two weeks on nutrition; the remaining four years are spent learning how to concoct pharmaceutical cocktails. If this formula works, why are we the most mentally and physically ill and obese population of Americans to date? It is almost the norm to have multiple chronic illnesses and autoimmune issues. Dr. David Robertson understands why, and he knows how to reverse the ominous trend. He is a true expert in nutrition as he can look at a person’s medical history alone, predict what has been amiss in their diet, and advise how to rebalance their way to health. Though not always conventional, his theories are backed with infallible logic. I am wholly a scientist and a skeptic, but even I believe that a holistic approach to healthcare is far more effective at getting to the root of the issue than throwing fistfuls of pharmaceutical band-aids on the symptoms. I trust Dr. Robertson’s expertise, deep domain experience, and wisdom more than the current dietary recommendations.”

Jacqueline Newel, M.D., M.S.

“Dr. Robertson helped me improve my health by teaching me about nutrition. I’ve steadily lost weight and feel fantastic!”

Kevin Payne, Raptor Manufacturing

Health Education and Coaching

Want to take control of your health but don’t know where to begin? Let me guide you through the process and give you the tools you need to make informed decisions about your health. With so much information available online, it can be overwhelming and confusing. My private health education program will help you navigate through this maze and provide you with the knowledge you need to live your healthiest life. Don’t let confusion and uncertainty hold you back from reaching your health goals. Invest in your wellness today and start your journey to a healthier you.

This service provides:

  • – Interpretation of complex health & wellness jargon
  • – Behavior-based coaching and support
  • – Nutrition and fitness ideas that support your healthy lifestyle
  • – Research of peer-reviewed literature regarding healthy lifestyle approaches
  • – Resources to help you find nutritionally competent physicians, personal trainers, and dieticians
  • – Education & evidence-based answers regarding:
    • – the principles of a healthy lifestyle
    • – the principles and potential benefits of proper nutrition
    • – the principles and potential benefits and disadvantages of certain eating habits
    • – the principles and potential benefits of functional exercise
    • – the potential benefits of protein, healthy fats, and other macronutrients
    • – the potential benefits of evidence-based nutritional supplements
    • – how supplements work and essential co-factors
    • – the potential role of diet and nutritional supplements on cognitive function
    • – the potential role of diet and nutritional supplements on weight loss and weight gain
    • – the negative potential and disadvantages of various nutritional deficiencies

Chronic & Rare Disease Support and Research

Many people suffering from chronic disease have yet to get a proper diagnosis. The Chronic Wellness Support Program is designed to empower individuals living with chronic diseases to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives while we look for physicians who can provide you with the help you need. I understand the unique challenges posed by chronic conditions, and I’m here to provide guidance, resources, and personalized coaching to help you effectively manage your symptoms, enhance your overall well-being, and regain control over your health journey. More importantly, I want to help you find the resources you need to help you find a resolution.

Services Offered:

  1. Resource Research: I will research your chronic or rare disease and help you find the resources you need to begin addressing your condition.
  2. Advocacy: I will become your advocate. I will write the papers you need and even make the necessary calls.
  3. Personalized Wellness Coaching: Receive one-on-one coaching sessions where I will work with you to create personalized wellness plans tailored to your specific condition and needs.
  4. Symptom Management Strategies: Learn effective strategies and techniques to manage the symptoms of your chronic condition, such as pain, fatigue, and discomfort.
  5. Lifestyle Modifications: Discover how making small yet impactful changes to your lifestyle, including nutrition, physical activity, and stress management, can positively influence your well-being.
  6. Resource Navigation: I will provide you with resources, including reputable articles, research studies, support groups, and organizations dedicated to your specific chronic condition.
  7. Goal Setting and Tracking: I’ll help you set achievable goals for managing your condition and track your progress, fostering a sense of accomplishment and motivation.
  8. Medication and Treatment Education: Receive guidance on understanding your medications, potential side effects, and how they interact with your lifestyle and other treatments.
  9. Regular Check-ins: Stay on track with regular check-ins with your wellness coach to evaluate progress, make adjustments, and address any concerns you may have.

The OptiHealth Insights program is all about guiding you on your path to wellness, equipping you with the tools and knowledge needed to manage your chronic or rare condition with confidence and resilience. My aim is to support you in leading a fulfilling life despite the challenges you may face.

Physician Assistance and Research

I will be your Symptom Research and Diagnostic Consultant (SRDC), an innovative and transformative addition to your practice. With specialized expertise in comprehensive symptom research, analysis, and consultation abilities, the SRDC collaborates closely with physicians to tackle complex cases and provide valuable diagnostic information. By conducting thorough research, compiling comprehensive lists of potential causes, and offering various insights, an SRDC frees up physicians’ time, equips them with diverse diagnostic options, and elevates healthcare standards, leading to improved patient outcomes.

This service provides:

  • Second Set of Unbiased Eyes: Assisting physicians in evaluating complex and ambiguous cases, offering potential diagnoses and medical conditions for consideration.
  • Question Generation: Behavior-related disease requires a different set of questions. These individuals can help formulate the necessary questions to help discover the root of ambiguous symptoms.
  • Literature Review: Conduct in-depth literature reviews to gather the latest medical research related to specific symptoms or medical conditions.
  • Data Collection: Collect relevant medical data from patient records, research databases, and other reliable sources to build a comprehensive understanding of symptoms and potential diagnoses.
  • Patient Assessment: Review patient medical records and symptoms to identify patterns, potential triggers, and associated conditions.
  • Symptom Analysis: Analyzing patient symptoms and comparing them with existing research to identify potential causes or conditions.
  • Report Preparation: Compiling research findings and creating either brief lists for a physician to consider or comprehensive reports that summarize relevant information for physicians and other healthcare professionals.
  • Collaboration: Collaborating with physicians and other healthcare team members to discuss research findings and provide insights for patient care decisions.
  • Continuous Learning: Staying updated with the latest advancements in medical research, symptomatology, and diagnostic approaches to enhance the quality of research and analysis.
  • Case Discussions: Participating in case conferences with healthcare teams to provide symptom-based insights and research-backed suggestions for patient management.
  • Information Organization: Organizing and presenting symptom-related data and research findings in a clear and accessible format for medical professionals.
  • Patient Follow-up & Referral Suggestions: Tracking patient progress and outcomes to assess the accuracy of symptom analysis and research-informed recommendations and provide referral options for the attending physician.
  • Education and Training: Conducting training sessions for healthcare professionals to enhance their understanding of symptom analysis and research interpretation.

Pricing and Program Structure

Try it out once, or sign up for the long haul!

  • Single Session: $50
    • A 60-minute individualized session focused on a specific wellness goal or concern.
    • This session includes personalized guidance, action steps, and recommendations tailored to the client’s needs.
  • Monthly Package: $150 per month
    • Four 60-minute coaching sessions per month (one session per week – one free session).
    • Customized wellness plans, progress tracking, and ongoing support through email or messaging.
    • Curated resources, articles, and tools to support the client’s journey.
  • Three-Month Package: $300 for three months
    • Nine 60-minute coaching sessions over the course of three months.
    • In-depth goal setting, comprehensive wellness plans, regular progress assessments, and adjustments as needed.
    • Unlimited email support between sessions.
    • Curated resources and materials to enhance the coaching experience.
  • Research & SRDC Services: $50 an hour

My Health Science Background

With a lifelong passion for health and wellness, I bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the realm of health science. My journey began as an athlete in high school and college, where I witnessed firsthand the transformative impact that health-conscious choices can have on one’s performance and overall well-being. This personal connection to the world of fitness and vitality inspired me to pursue advanced education and specialize in health science, which became an integral part of my doctorate.

My decision to delve into health science was driven by a profound belief in its power to empower individuals. Many people grapple with chronic health issues that hinder their ability to reach their full potential. My commitment lies in equipping my students and clients with the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to triumph over these challenges.

As a seasoned health science professional, my expertise encompasses a comprehensive understanding of health and disease prevention. My focus extends beyond surface-level solutions; I am dedicated to identifying and addressing the root causes of illness. Rejecting the notion of merely treating symptoms, my approach is rooted in collaboration. I work closely with my clients, empowering them to seize control of their health and make well-informed decisions that align with their unique circumstances.

Drawing on my advanced health science and research education, I am well-versed in a variety of health science aspects, such as epidemiology, chronic disease, symptomatology, exercise prescription, health and fitness psychology, alternative health solutions, applied nutrition and supplementation, general sports medicine, and more. Moreover, I have plenty of continued education in lifestyle medicine and treatments of chronic disease, disease prevention and management, the human microbiome, autophagy’s role in health and disease, and many more. My diverse skill set enables me to provide comprehensive support across a spectrum of needs.

Whether your aspiration is to enhance overall well-being, prevent disease, or elevate your fitness and performance, I stand ready to help you on that path. By leveraging my expertise and passion for health science, I am dedicated to assisting you in achieving your goals and nurturing a life of vitality, resilience, and fulfillment.


I do not provide medical diagnosis or legal or financial advice. Participants should consult with qualified professionals in these respective fields for advice tailored to their individual circumstances. The results and outcomes achieved from our programs may vary depending on individual efforts, commitment, and other factors.

By participating in these programs and services, you acknowledge and agree to the terms stated in this disclaimer. GrassFire Industries LLC is not responsible for any losses, injuries, or damages that may result from your participation.

The “General Health Education” program is an education program rooted in health science principles. Dr. Robertson is not a physician, dietician, or personal trainer. While his doctorate-level training in health science includes epidemiology, disease prevention, exercise prescription, health & fitness psychology, applied nutrition, supplementation, fitness training, and coaching (etc.), Kansas state laws dictate that these programs do not include any diagnoses, treatment, or prescription regarding any specific condition or protocol.

Dr. Robertson is a health researcher and educator. The information provided in these programs is not medical advice, a professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any other individual. The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or professional care. You should not use the information in place of a visit, call consultation, or the advice of your physician or other healthcare providers. Dr. Robertson is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or additional information, services, or products you may or may not obtain or utilize as a result of the information you receive during this program. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN.