
I Started Out Skeptical

I Started Out Skeptical

I started out this program with David feeling skeptical about all the hype about how this program was going to “change me” and grow me as a leader. Yet here I am at the finish line and I feel a confidence that I never had. David was great at building rapport and trust with me the first several weeks. When it finally felt safe to let my guard down, I noticed the lessons truly sinking in and positive change happening at work and in my personal life. Along with the invaluable lessons of the program, the 1:1 mentorship from a certified leadership professional was just what I needed at this time in my professional career. I came out of the program with a new level of confidence in my leadership abilities and access to a lifelong mentor. -David’s #1 Brilliant, Funniest, Charming Grassfire Student

Randa S. Wilson | MBA
Keller Williams Hometown Partners LLC

GrassFire Industries

Randa S. Wilson | MBA
Keller Williams Hometown Partners LLC

I started out feeling skeptical about all the hype about how this program was going to “change me” and grow me as a leader. Yet here I am at the finish line and I feel a confidence that I never had. Along with the invaluable lessons of the program, the 1:1 mentorship from a certified leadership professional was just what I needed at this time in my professional career. I came out of the program with a new level of confidence in my leadership abilities and access to a lifelong mentor.