Helped me develop the courage to see
David helped me develop the courage to see what I didn’t want to see. Only then could I even begin to experience freedom.
I did not understand what leadership truly was, nor did I lead my life until I took David’s course. His extensive didactic training combined with his powerful personality, immense intellectual depth and cognitive flexibility, wisdom, intuition, life experience, and an undying passion to teach result in a one-on-one program tailored to YOU that is nothing short of transformative. David gives freely of himself and his time to help others improve their lives with concepts and skills that I have never seen before. His program is phenomenal. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone, especially if you’re feeling “stuck.” I wish his program were mandatory, as I wish everyone could experience the awakening. David taught me so much. As a person who celebrates andragogy and pedagogy in all forms, David threw something unparalleled and delightfully different at my mind, forever changing it. THIRTEEN Michelin stars, crank the volume to eleven, 20/10. It will change your life and make you a better human.
I was a bedraggled mess when David found me. Sometimes, I still am. The difference now? IT’S OKAY. I can own it when I am not perfect. I was so afraid of imperfection that I’d sabotage. Sometimes I still do, but it’s NOT OKAY because now I know the truth and the power of personal responsibility. But it IS okay because I am human, and I will inevitably mess up. Because of David, I’m now armed with the tools to catch myself sabotaging (or be open to listening to feedback) to redirect and amend. Paradoxically, the “permission” to be fallible has been essential to my success.
I also felt stuck when I first met David. His program helped me realize that I am never really stuck unless I choose to be. I don’t ever have to sit feeling miserable and helpless in a box of my own construct again if I don’t want to. I was conditioned into creating and then forcing myself to occupy farcical gulags. David’s deconditioning has been essential to my freedom.
Thank you, David, for everything.

GrassFire Industries
Dr. Jacqueline Newel, MD MS